Saturday 18 August 2012

What is my Brief?

This summer my college decide to hand us a summer brief just like other colleges however the brief they gave us would lead us to explore what a design movement is and how a manifesto works.

What the Brief is.

"The Brief states six things in bullet points.

Read Brief Visit 

Create your own blog - Name it, for example:

Get researching, Designing and posting

Bring Printed/Hand rendered Manifesto and completed blog to induction day - Friday 5th of September

Win Prizes* 

*Some outdated candy"

So firstly what is a "Manifesto"? The definition of a manifesto is a declaration of aims or a policy.


A public declaration of policy and aims, esp. one issued before an election by a political party or candidate.
Synonyms:manifest - proclamation - declaration


For this brief i will research the following movements and there manifesto but first i will research 5 manifesto that changed the world or had an huge impact.

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